
StLukes-Logo_2-01 (March 18)


326 MacKay St., Ottawa, Ontario

K1M 2B9 - (613) 749-1731



9:30 AM   Sunday Service on YouTube Click Here

8:30 AM  The Lutheran Hour 99.1 FM on CHRI Click Here to Listen Live


Bible Studies

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for Bible study!

Communion at St. Luke

If you have not communed with us before, please make an appointment to speak with Pastor Astley prior to receiving Holy Communion. Pastor Astley can be reached at 613-749-1731.

News from the Ottawa Circuit Mission and Ministry Support Committee

To read the latest information from this Committee - click here

The Lutheran Hour    

Hear this inspirational message on 99.1 FM at 8:30 AM. Streaming audio and pod-casts at 

Lutheran Hour Ministries

At LLL Canada/LHM Canada, our website includes links to sermons, The Lutheran Hour on-line, and many other new and exciting resources to help you stay connected to the word through this challenging time. Go to and browse through the material under messages of hope, and resources to access everything from Canadian content to the radio broadcast schedule. 

In response to the changing needs you have right now, we will also be creating videos and info posts about digital resources on our Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels. 

You can find them here:

Instagram: lutheranlaymensleagueca out some Great Bible Videos 

The Bible Project Click Here


From Lutheran Church Canada

For those of you that are not on social media- now might be the time to check things out. Lutheran Church Canada and all its members has shared solid, liturgical and innovative resources for worship, bible study, devotions and more. 

Go to 
